Spa at Holt

Most of our lodges have an access to this soothing, mineral-rich geothermal water direct from the ground. For a while, it has been our idea to build a kind of a spa at one of our lodges. Our rental Holt has indeed many positive options for to become such a facility, having of course a hot tub on the patio, an outdoor shower, and a shed standing beside the house, which we didn’t need for storage anymore.  The decision was made, the shed should house the sauna cell!

Wet sauna or infra red? Well, simply out of safety reasons we found an infra cell to be the better choice, where at the possibility of burning the skin by touching some very hot parts of the stove would be minimised through much less heat processed by the ceramic panels of the infra cell compared to the wet steam cells.
Construction work for our Spa at holiday home rental Holt in the Golden Circle

The Task

When the decision had been made some contractors work was needed to enable us to extend the patio for to place the shed on. With an excavator for some necessary material change the extension of the patio was completed. Then the shed was hoisted and placed on the new part. In weeks of work the shed was restored, with water drainage for the roof, windows, rock wool insulation, panel furnish and finally electric connections for lights and radiators, and of course for the mounted infra cell.

Construction work for our Spa at holiday home rental Holt in the Golden Circle
Construction work for our Spa at holiday home rental Holt in the Golden Circle

Good waves

But the advantage of the infra sauna is not only linked to safety issues. Indeed it is considered that the wavelength of the infrared light reaches under the skin, up to 1 1/2 inch (4 cm) deep, warming up the flesh of the body, softening up the muscles, having positive impacts on the vascular system and even damping aching parts of the body.

From the website we get this message regarding infrared saunas from an associate professor and holistic healthcare practitioner:

“Infrared heat [saunas] can provide waves of a type of heat and light that can penetrate deeper into the body, and can heal deep tissue. Your skin temperature increases but your core temperature does not increase as much, so as long as you are able to open your pores and perspire, you should be able to maintain temperature balance.”

Spa at holiday home rental Holt in the Golden Circle

All in one

From these above mentioned arguments we share the meaning, that having access to infrared saunas is a real profit for many people, enjoying additionally a hot tub and an outdoor shower with water temperature of 40 °C.  This addition makes our rental Holt to a wonderful retreat -lots of interesting places, sights and activities all around,  and upon return an access to a spa-alike vacation cottage, offering a continuing program of wellness for soul and body.

Hot pot, shower and sauna hut at the spa holiday home rental Holt in the Golden Circle
Spa at holiday home rental Holt